In the early years, Chemsearch FE’s product line was simple, providing cleaning, janitorial and sanitation solutions to commercial and industrial facilities. The company was built on the premise of providing the best products by the most knowledgeable representatives.
Near the end of the 1990s, we recognized new opportunities, specifically in facility maintenance. Chemsearch soon became an industry leader in drain and wastewater maintenance, HVAC and water treatment innovations.
Less about cleaning a property, we found a greater impact on our customers in water reduction, energy savings and properly maintaining and extending the life of a facility. These product lines naturally became the focus of our company as we continued to grow.
In the 21st century, urban environments continued to grow and the need for green buildings and sustainability programs became wildly important in an effort to accommodate the growing population with a better, brighter and healthier place to live and work.
Through this green revolution, Chemsearch continued to define itself as a resource to facility engineers in water and waste reduction, energy savings and sustainable practices. As a result, Chemsearch FE was born.
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